Photo by CSIRO https://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/
National Eucalypt Day was held this week by Eucalypt Australia. The day is celebrated annually on 23 March and recognises the importance of eucalypts, celebrating the place they hold in our lives. Their Eucalypt of the Year 2022 was the Mountain Ash (eucalyptus regnans), with Red Flowering Gum (corymbia ficifolia) and Sydney Red Gum (angophora costata) in second and third places respectively.
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Corymbia ficifolia (Photo by Treelogic) | Angophora costata (Photo by Treelogic) |
The Centurion is the world’s tallest known individual Eucalyptus regnans tree. It is the tallest known tree existing in Australia, the tallest Eucalyptus tree in the world, the tallest hardwood tree in the world, and the tallest flowering plant in the world. It stands at 100.5 metres high, measured in 2018 using laser technology accurate to within four centimetres.
Click here to read an article by Treelogic on Centurion, discovered in 2008 near Forestry Tasmania’s Tahune Airwalk tourism attraction 88km south of Hobart.
The Tasmanian bushfires of January 2019 destroyed timber boardwalks and some display areas at the Tahune Airwalk. Centurion was in the direct line of the Riveaux Road fire which burnt through thousands of hectares in the Huon Valley. Centurion suffered burn damage at its base but looks to be relatively stable.
All giant trees on Tasmania’s State forests are protected and managed in accordance with Forestry Tasmania’s Giant Trees Policy. Giant Trees include all those trees that are at least 85 metres tall or 280 cubic metres in volume.
Right tree, right place, right way, and right time
At Treelogic, we are deeply committed to maintaining, protecting and planting trees to create a greener urban landscape. We advocate ‘the right tree in the right place’.
Not all trees are compatible for every planting site or in every climate. Tree selection and placement are two of the most important decisions to make when planting trees. Many trees have the potential to outlive those who plant them, so the impact of this decision can last a lifetime. You often only get one chance to plant the right tree, particularly in public landscapes, as the ability to remove and replace poorly chosen trees is difficult. This leads to the development of the common mantra ‘right tree, right place’. Matching the right tree to the right place benefits both the tree and owner.
The greatest benefit is derived from healthy, structurally sound trees planted in the right place that supports their development. Planting the right tree in the right place will maximise benefit while minimising the costs. See Treelogic’s article “Right tree, right place, right way, and right time”.
Further reading
We recommend the following books which can be obtained from our online store at www.treelogictools.com.au
- Smaller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia by Dean Nicolle
- Taller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia by Dean Nicolle
- Trees of Victoria and Adjoining Areas by Leon Costermans