Nestled on the banks of the Wannon River, in the heart of red gum country, Cavendish will host the second Red Gum Festival on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April 2022.
On Saturday, from 10am to 12pm there will be an Environmental Forum featuring prominent guest speakers and leaders in the field. If you wish to attend this FREE event, please register HERE for catering and seating purposes.
Key note speakers include:
Professor Andrew Campbell
CEO Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Andrew will be speaking about the challenges of feeding the world sustainably and implications for regions like the red gum country.
Dr Greg Moore OAM
Senior research associate in arboriculture, with extensive expert knowledge to share with us about our iconic Red Gums
Greg will share insights into biology and lifecycle of Red Gums, the threats to them, their influence on salinity, and how we can best protect them.
Gabrielle Chan
Is rural and regional editor of Guardian Australia. She is the author of Rusted Off: Why Country Australia Is Fed Up (2018), shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Prize and the Walkleys Book Award. Her latest book is Why You Should Give a F**k About Farming, 2021.
Gabrielle will discuss the big policy issues affecting rural Australia, and challenges and opportunities for rural communities- socially, economically and environmentally.
Dr Greg Kerr,
Senior Ecologist with Nature Glenelg Trust
He is skilled in Natural Resource Management, raising environmental awareness, wetlands, development of citizen science programs, fauna monitoring and habitat requirements, and environmental policy. Greg is also an award winning secondary teacher who loves to involve and empower community members in ecological monitoring and natural history.
Greg will speak about Red Gums as habitat and the dependent species that use it. He’ll also discuss the need to monitor these species and the challenges of doing so.
Roger Edwards–
40 years of forestry experience in the region.
Roger’s topic “Wanted Dead or Alive” will give a local perspective of essential biodiversity needs and our generational human connection to the remnant landscape, including ongoing threats and future opportunities.
During the morning, forum attendees will have the opportunity to submit a question/issue that they’d like addressed in the afternoon session.
From 2pm to 4pm there will be a Q&A session and Panel Discussion with the speakers along with local farmer and Landcare representatives, and Adam Merrick from Trust for Nature.
There will also be many displays and representatives from various environmental groups including:
- Glenelg Hopkins CMA
- Eucalyptus Australia
- Nature Glenelg Trust
- Birdlife Hamilton
- Hamilton Birdwatchers
- Hamilton Field Naturalists
- Parks Vistoriaks Victoria
- Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo Recovery
- Trust For Nature
- Landcare
- Wannon Water and more!
Other activities include:
- Red Gum Run & Ramble
- Brekkie in the Bush
- ‘Welcome to Country’
- Sculpture Walk
- Red Gum Market
- Kids’ Activities
- Red Gum Gallery Art & Photography
- Woodturners
- Woodmilling
- Blade Shearing
- Food Vendors
- Bar & Wineries
- History Walking Tours
- Dog High Jump
- Music by
- Footprints in the Custard
- Since Tuesday
- Laura Hill
- Tom Richardson
- Old Melbourne Road
For further information about the fun activities for this popular event, please click HERE
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
River red gums
Origin: All States and Territories of Australia
- Growth Rate
- Moderate
- Habit
- Spreading, open crown at maturity
- Height
- 12-30m
- Width
- 10-15m
- Lifespan
- Long
Botanical Description
- Plant Type
- Native evergreen
- Leaf
- Lanceolate, dull grey-green, 10-22cm long, new foliage is bright green
- Flowers
- Cream/white from mid spring to late summer
- Fruit
- Small woody capsule
- Bark
- Smooth, dull grey with cream or reddish patch peeling in large irregular flakes
Environmental Tolerances
- pH
- Complete range
- Compaction
- High
- Waterlogging
- High
- Drought
- High
- Frost
- Moderate
- Aerial Salt
- Moderate
- Aerial Pollution
- Not known
Pest & Disease Susceptibility
- Psyllid/lerp in stressed trees
Establishment Requirements
- May require staking
- Common
Landscape Notes/ Design Qualities
- Develops thick trunk and large twisting branches with age. A tree that generally requires space to develop.
- Prefers deep moist soils with clay component though will grow well in a wide range of conditions.