Essentials of Urban Design

by Mark Sheppard

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Essentials of Urban Design explains the fundamental concepts of urban design, providing the understanding and tools needed to achieve better design outcomes.  It is equally useful for designing places and evaluating designs.

Each chapter outlines the key steps in designing or assessing a different type of development.  All common types of urban development are addressed, from infill buildings to whole urban growth areas, residential to employment uses, and centres to public transport interchanges.  For each development type, widely accepted urban design principles are explained, and ‘rules of thumb’ provided.

This practical handbook is liberally illustrated with diagrams, photos of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ examples of urban design and handy checklists for common urban design tasks.  It will be a valuable reference tool for architects, developers, urban planners, traffic engineers, landscape architects, councillors, planning lawyers, planning tribunal members and residents concerned about development.

Paperback | October 2015
ISBN: 9780643108769 | 312 pages
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing

Additional information

Weight0.95 kg
Dimensions26 × 20 × 1.5 cm


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